SACC Amiga Logo
SACC Amiga Logo

SACC Celebrates 40 years of Amiga!

2025 marks 40 years since the introduction of the Amiga! SACC will celebrate Amiga throughout the year at our monthy meetings where we talk about new developments, revel in the past, and have a fun afternoon with fellow enthusiasts.

To kick off this landmark anniversary, we're starting the year with a newly themed website inspired by the original Amiga Workbench!

The Amiga computer defined mutlimedia and provided a platform for creatives with capabilities far beyond it's competitors. The original Amiga Computers are still a great gaming platform and very popular in the retro community. You can also use it for productivity where some community members continue using Amigas for music creation, 3d modeling, word processing, and video production!


You can sign up to be on our email list to receive SACC meeting notifications and notifications on AmiWest. We also post to the socials listed in the footer below.

New Feature

Search - SACC now has a search feature that targets Amiga Only resources on the web. Using this search as your starting point filters out a lot of the miscellaneous noise one might get with a standard Google Search.

Agenda for February 23rd - 1:30

Meeting Location

Holiday Inn Express 2224 Auburn Blvd