Past meetings
January 2024
Business Meeting:
All officers re-elected for 2024
SacGamersExpo recap:
Chris, Jerry, Marshall, and Bill Borsari represented SACC last month (Dec 2023) at the
SacGamersExpo held at the Scottish Rite Center.
The event caters to retro gaming on consoles such as the NES/SNES/SEGA/PS1/XBOX etc. Given that
they do not have any retro computers represented, the organizers generously offered us 4 tables to
exhibit our machines. We had the A500 Mini in the "Free Play Room" and setup a C64 Ultimate, A600 Vampire,
Mister in a Checkmate case, CD32, and A500 in a PRIME location in the MAIN LOBBY!! We were a hit, having people playing on our machines
steadily throughout the weekend. We featured new releases and Christmas/Holiday games. Explaining how
the Amiga community is alive and kicking impressed many attendees! We have a few
pictures from the event thanks
mostly to Chris and Marshall. Thanks Guys!
AmigaPrez, Brian, brought in 4 vintage Magazines from before the Launch of the Amiga. We looked at some of the articles
providing information on the upcoming machine which sparked all kinds of conversation!
A500 Mini upgrade:
Robert Bernardo brought his A500 Mini to share, as well as providing a copy of the
AMiNIMiga USB stick
for the Club A500 Mini. This stick turns the little machine into a full blown Amiga with a workbench!
Bring your own keyboard! We also installed the latest firmware onto each A500 Mini. We thought the
process may have bricked Roberts A500 Mini, but it did survive after performing the NOT RECOMMENDED reboot
during upgrade.
And More!!
We had a new visitor to the Club, and there was more conversation going on than one webmaster can keep track of!
June 2023
Amiga News
Marshall brought in his CD32 with a selection of games including the Misadventures of Flink! Flink
was only released on the Sega Megadrive and CD32. The CD32 version is has fantastic CD sound and graphics. It's a platformer type game whre you have to travel the
levels to collect items, create spells, and complete the game. Unfortunately, the gameplay does seem to rely heavily on knowing the maps to successfully complete the level,
resulting in a fair amount of trial and error gameplay. Still, it's worth checking out and giving it a try.
May 2023 (Pics)
Business Meeting
Vote on updates to the Constitution and By-Laws
After a brief discussion to refresh memories and clarify a few points, those in attendence unanaimously voted to accept the new Constitution and By-Laws.
After a brief discussion to refresh memories and clarify a few points, those in attendence unanaimously voted to accept the new Constitution and By-Laws.
Amiga News
CLASS speaker videos are posted
Projects and Demos
Chris also shared his work repairing Bill's A4000.
April 2023
Club Business
Constitution and By-Laws vote - Not enough officers/memebers to take a vote
Amiga News
Jerry and Marshall talked about coding on the Amiga in C and Blitz Basic. Michael talked a little about his new
SAM machine and is looking to give a demo at an upcoming meeting. We talked a little about the new QEMU release
and it's capability to host OS4.1.
February 2023 (Pics)
Amiga News
Club Business
Sharing Projects / Demos
Understanding WAM - This document explains the methodology and how the programs work to produce these amazing animations
WAM Terms - This document has definitions
WAM Development Diary - Detailed notes on the development process
Video of all animations on Disk 1 (of 3) from the Demo
Zip file of the disks for running in emulation
January 2023
Officer election
Brian Deneen - reelected President
Jerry Gray - reelected Vice President
Brian Carpignano - reelected Treasurer
Chris Nelson - Nominated and elected Secretary
Jerry Gray - reelected Vice President
Brian Carpignano - reelected Treasurer
Chris Nelson - Nominated and elected Secretary
Minimig demo
Jerry brought in a MiniMig v1.8 for everyone to play with.
Archiving legacy club media
We discussed the new AmigaZette and DOM pages on the website. To date we have had
minimal response from members with material to archive. Brian has volunteered the materials
from his collection to be archived. Chris is going to review and organize that project.
IDE drives from Jerry/Bill C
Jerry brouht in some IDE drives that Bill Clay donated to the club. One is a fully
functional OS 3.9 drive. There were a couple of smaller windows drives that are
cleared out and formatted for re-use. There were several bad drives. No one wanted to
explore them further so they have now been e-wasted.
Moving December meeting date to avoid marathon
It's been pointed out that the December meeting traditionally lands
on the same day as a big Marathon in town that severely disrupts
traffic for several members. We decided to try moving the December
meeting back to avoid this conflict.