The Constitution
Table of Contents
I. Purpose
The Sacramento Amiga Computer Club is a nonprofit organization devoted to the sharing of knowledge and the understanding of the Amiga computer and to assuring personal contact, education, and fellowship of the members.II. Organization
- Membership
- Membership will be open to all persons who share an interest in the Amiga computer.
- There shall be four classes of membership:
- Regular.
- Lifetime (granted by the Board of Directors).
- Family. Regular membership shall include family members of the same household.
- Appropriate payment of dues is the only requirement of memberships. This requirement may be waived in individual cases at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
- Elections
- All memberships are eligible to vote. Each paid membership is entitled to one membership vote.
- Members must be present to cast a ballot.
- Officers will be elected by a plurality of those voting.
- Unless otherwise specified, election of officers shall be by secret ballot.
III. By-Laws
By-Laws shall be developed, promulgated and maintained to govern the business affairs of the club.IV. Officers
All officers shall serve a term of one year.- PRESIDENT
- The President shall preside over all meetings and shall call all such meetings to order at their appointed time.
- The President shall appoint committees, and perform such other duties as the office requires.
- The President shall be responsible for relations with Amiga and third party manufacturers and developers to arrange for demonstrations and hardware/software for club review, and to obtain special purchases for members.
- The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the President's absence or inability to serve.
- The Vice President shall serve as administrative assistant, program chairman, and parliamentarian.
- The Vice President shall be responsible to arrange for the meeting place, agenda and coordination of events at the General Membership Meetings.
- The Vice President shall be responsible to draft policy statements for the review and approval of the Board of Directors.
- The Secretary shall assume the duties of the Vice President in his or her absence or inability to serve.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for all official correspondence of the Club.
- The Secretary shall perform the duties of recording and corresponding secretary, maintain the official files of the club, take minutes at all Board of Directors Meetings and at any Business Meeting of the general Membership meetings, and read and publish same. The official club files shall include all club correspondence, all literature addressed to the club, historical files, all meeting minutes, annual membership roster received from the Treasurer at the end of each year, SIG reports and receive policy statements from the Vice President.
- The Treasurer shall be custodian of all funds.
- The Treasurer's name and the name of the President and Secretary shall be on record with the bank or savings institution at which funds are deposited.
- The Treasurer shall assure that a minimum of two (2) registered signatures are required to withdraw club monies over the amount set and approved by the Board of Directors.
- The Treasurer shall maintain accurate records of the monies for the organization.
- The Treasurer shall report monthly to the Board of Directors the status of all club funds and the past months expenses.
- The Board of Directors shall arrange for an audit of the club's books in December of each year or when the duties of Treasurer are taken over by a new Treasurer.
- The Treasurer shall publish a complete report of the club's financial standing annually prior to the Annual Business Meeting.
- The Treasurer shall assure that any disbursement in excess of $10.00 is supported by a voucher or receipt.
V. Board of Directors
- The Board of Directors will consist of the Club Officers.
- The past year's President shall be a non voting member of the Board of Directors for one year.
- Day-to-day business of the Club will be conducted by the Board of Directors, and chaired by the President.
- A quorum will be 2/3rds of the Board.
- Policies for the proper operation of the Club will be established by the Board of Directors. Policies cannot and will not directly violate the Constitution and By-Laws.
VI. Meetings
- There will be an Annual Business Meeting at which Officers and Directors will be elected.
- The Annual Business Meeting shall be held at the January General Membership Meeting.
- Written notice of the time, place, and agenda of the Annual Business Meeting will be sent to all members prior to the meeting.
- Nominations for all offices may be made from the floor at the annual business meeting.
- There will be Monthly General Membership Meetings chaired by the President.
- All meetings of the Board of Directors will be open to the general membership and will be announced to members.
- Meetings will be governed by Robert's Rules of Order.
VII. Disciplinary Actions
- Any member of the board may be removed from office for:
- Failure to attend three general membership/board of directors meetings. Exceptions to this rule may be allowed if the Officer has just cause and performs the function of their elected office to the satisfaction of the members and the Board of Directors.
- Failure to perform the functions of the office for which elected.
- Abuse of the office as determined by the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors will be notified of any disciplinary action taken towards any member of the Club. The Board of Directors at that time may sustain, revoke, or modify any such action.
- Action under these rules shall be decided by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The affected member shall be notified in writing of such action and has the right to open or closed discussion with the Board of Directors or the members. The decision of the Board of Directors shall be final.
- Any member of the board may be removed from office for:
VIII. Amendment
- The Constitution and By-Laws shall be reviewed annually to determine whether amendments are in order.
- It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors to review said Constitution and By-Laws and make appropriate recommendations.
- The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a 2/3 vote at any General Membership Meeting, including the Annual Business Meeting provided at least 15 days notice has been given to members of the date and content of the vote. The outgoing Secretary shall ensure amendments are entered into the Constitution and By-Laws and distributed to members as a matter of policy.
IX. Dissolution
- The Club may be dissolved by a vote of 75% of all current members through a mailed ballot.
- A motion to dissolve the Club may be made by a member at any general membership meeting.
- Upon dissolution, the current club officers shall take charge of the assets of the club until they are properly disposed of by the terms of this document. In the absence of club officers, caretaker officers elected by the members present at the final meeting shall perform these duties.
- The caretaker officers will dispose of the assets of the club as soon after dissolution as practical, by resolving outstanding liabilities, and by donating any remaining assets to any remaining Amiga shows or organizations, Amiga community members, or to a non-profit organization qualified under Section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.